Thursday, July 26, 2007

Idioms for 9/11

Who reads this stuff?

We keep tabs on things, make mountains out of molehills, jump the gun, and then can’t make heads or tails out of it.

Was 9/11 a terrorist attack or a government conspiracy to justify an endless war in the Middle-East? Either way; why would anyone want to do that? Cui bono?

It has been years since 9/11 and some people still don't understand what is going on. All anyone has to do is read the Bible and apply it to the best of their understanding. If some things seem too difficult to understand then ask someone to explain it to you then later you can just repeat what they said and appear to have some great understanding. Once you get adept at this join a Church of people who are like minded and maybe even become a leader. If you have a gift for it you can take any vague Bible passage and spin a solid explanation to any current event.

Revelation 13:13 (King James Version) And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.

JFYI if you read my last blog post on truth you will know that I’m being hypocritical in this 911 post. Those who actually know me will understand that I’m without any knowledge on the matter and these are only words; words; words!


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